Happy Halloween!
As most people do, Justin and I waited until the last minute to decide what to be for Halloween. Justin took to the internet and did some searching and found a couple cute ideas: "Sick and Tired" and Milkman and Pregnant Woman. Justin and I decided to be the latter. So Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we searched through every Goodwill in Madison, Mallatt's Pharmacy, a fabric store, and State Street looking for all the necessary pieces. (Pearl necklace for me, black bowtie for him, etc.) It came together in the end.
We wore the costumes to Katie and Todd's party on Saturday night. Once again there were a number of creative costumes. Kathleen was Marion from Indiana Jones, complete with monkey. Todd was the Ben Stiller character from The Royal Tannenbaums. Paris and Martha were in full effect. And there were classics: cat, devil, werewolf, Bob Ross from the Joy of Painting.
Why celebrate on October 30, you ask. Well, Madison is the Halloween mecca of the Midwest and people from all over converge on the town the weekend nearest Halloween. Therefore, the huge State Street celebration isn't necessarily the actual night of Halloween. Once again a "riot" broke loose on State Street and some windows were broken, but luckily Katie and Todd's party was miles away from that scene.
Happy Halloween!
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